Tauranga Gaystay
Tauranga, Bay of Plenty
Tauranga Gaystay for men is a gay owned and hosted B&B situated in Tauranga, North Island, New Zealand. Your hosts are Ben, Stephen their young son and Bailey the little dog. Tauranga Gaystay is located just 7 kms or 10 mins drive to the CBD or 15 kms or 15 mins to Mount Maunganui.
Central Rotorua
In the heart of Geyserland is ‘Guysers' B&B for Men. Hosted clothing optional bed & breakfast accommodation located just 5 minutes drive to the restaurants, shops, bars, the Rotorua lake front and many tourist attractions.
Thinking about starting a B&B?
GayStay is the only website of true LGBTQ+ owned and hosted accommodation providers in New Zealand.
Listing with us is affordable and bookings come directly to you, commission-free!
Contact us for your listing.